Club meeting programs

Home Forums Iola Amateur Radio Club 2023 Club meeting programs


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    • #141

      What would you like to see for a meeting program? e.g. How contests work, understanding hf propagation, etc.

    • #203
      Steve Green

      HF propagation is a great topic. Antenna building. Electronic projects. HF audio tips.

    • #204
      Doug Thomas

      A few ideas for programs:

      I agree with HF propagation, that would be a good subject;
      –Traffic handling (NTS nets, Radiograms)
      –Antenna builds
      –Various digital modes, i.e. RTTY, SSTV, Winlink, Vara (HF & VHF), JT/FT modes, etc., as well as basic set-up
      –Digital radio modes (System Fusion & WIRES-X, D-Star, etc.)
      –Satellite operations
      –RDF/Fox Hunting
      –HF/VHF/UHF Net Operations (mostly geared possibly for new hams)
      –Emergency Communications and AUXCOM
      –Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
      –Community Emergency Response Team (CERT – while not specifically amateur radio related, it does benefit)
      –Project builds

      Hope this list helps. I’m sure there’s plenty other things since ham radio is “a thousand hobbies in one.”

    • #207
      Jeremy Utley

      Not only Digital modes like DStar, SF, DMR, but also analog internet linking options, like AllStarLink and Echolink.

    • #223

      I agree these are great topics. I would like to see individuals take responsibility to present these topics at our meetings. I would like to see us produce a schedule of events that include the program topics for each club meeting. This will be one agenda item for the January meeting.

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