Repeater net roster 12/22/22

Home Forums Iola Amateur Radio Club 2023 Repeater net roster 12/22/22


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    • #220
      Steve Green

      Following is a list of stations checking into the 2 meter net on 12/22/22.

      KD0JLE Steve (net control)
      KB0SEO Dan
      KD0DMC Kim
      KD0GHA Gale
      WA6AAI Stan
      KD8HJR Randy
      KA4RBR Dale
      KF0GFE Chase
      N0CPD Mike

      We had a good net. I appreciate the participation of all those who checked in. See you next Thursday.

    • #224

      Steve, should we list answers to your question of the week?

    • #225
      Steve Green

      Its all I can do to run the logging software during the net. If I were to write down the answers to the topic, I would be spending more time writing that running the net. That’s not to say that someone else couldn’t do it. I just don’t have time to do it conducting the net.

    • #227
      Steve Green

      Upon further reflection, all participants on the net could respond to this thread and post their response to the topic.

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